COVID -19 Provincial Government reopening clarification for Sport in Manitoba

June 1, 2020 – We ask for our coaches, skaters, parents, officials, volunteers for their patience and continued support to ensure that we are all following the Province of Manitoba’s Public Health Orders. 

We all need to work together to ensure that we are not jeopardizing the sport of figure skating’s return to play process or the public’s health.  We all want to get back to our “normal” training routines, however we need to respect the process and the health experts as they have to weigh the best interests of ALL Manitobans in their decisions. 
So just a friendly reminder that the Sport of Figure Skating has NOT yet received Provincial Government approval for Skate Canada or figure skating related activities to resume at this time.

Please note that skaters, clubs, coaches and volunteer do NOT have any insurance in place until the Provincial Government has approved Skate Canada Manitoba’s Return to Play document for Skate Canada programming and figure skating related activities.

The Province of Manitoba will be enforcing the restrictions (as stated in the Restoring Safe Services Phase Two document). As restrictions are eased, the oversight, investigation and enforcement of violations will become increasingly more important. Please be aware that the penalties for violations for individuals or corporations under the legislation are quite severe.  Penalties for violations for individuals or corporations under the legislation range from fines of up to $50,000 or $500,000 and/or six months or up to a year imprisonment. Tickets can also be issued for violations under any of the orders in the amount of $486 for individuals and $2,542 for corporations.

If you have any questions please reach out to one of the Section Office staff.

May 25, 2020 – Skate Canada Manitoba has been receiving numerous questions surrounding the Province of Manitoba’s Restoring safe services.

Many questions that we are receiving are seeking clarification/information on the use of private and/or public arenas/facilities that have received permission to open or will be opening soon.  We want to ensure that our stakeholders are all receiving the same information/direction from Skate Canada Manitoba.  

We, along with all of our stakeholders, are anxious to return to our new “normal” and return to the sport that we love, however we have to ensure that we are all following Government rules and regulations to ensure the safety of all Manitobans.

Skate Canada Manitoba staff is in communication with Sport Manitoba and Skate Canada on a regular basis to ensure that we have the most up-to-date information and understanding on what we need to do to ensure that we are following the Provincial Government’s Restoring safe services mandates/requirements.

Below is an excerpt from an email received from Sport Manitoba this morning:

“The Province of Manitoba has announced that effective Monday, June 1, Manitoba will enter Phase Two of the Restoring Safe Services plan. 
We’d like to remind you that each sports organization and/or facility still must establish a plan for how to minimize physical contact between participants.
This means sports looking at Return to Play must still submit their plans to Sport Manitoba and we will then forward it to the province.
Before your sport can return to play, a reminder that the Province of Manitoba must approve your plan. This notification will come from Sport Manitoba.”

So to clarify as of today, Skate Canada programs and any figure skating related activity has NOT been approved to resume at this time. 

The Province of Manitoba will be enforcing the restrictions (as stated in the Restoring Safe Services Phase Two document). As restrictions are eased, the oversight, investigation and enforcement of violations will become increasingly more important. Please be aware that the penalties for violations for individuals or corporations under the legislation are quite severe.

As stated in our eNews that was distributed today that we are in the process of developing tools that will be shared with our stakeholders when they have finalized.  You will be able to find the information on our Website.

If you have any questions please reach out to one of the Section Office staff.

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