Skate Manitoba Grants

Sport Manitoba has several different grants available for coaches to apply for.  Check out the Sport Manitoba Coaching Programs & Resources page (scroll halfway down) to see the full list of available grants.

Sport Manitoba Coach Assistance Grant has increased from $500 to $750 per year! 
Eligible activities now includes First Aid Training!


Did you know that Officials can also apply for this grant! 

Subject to Availability:

B.112   Coaching High Performance Grant

Skate Canada Manitoba will provide a grant(s) up to $500 each to a registered Skate Canada coach(s) to further their knowledge. The Coach(s) must meet the following criteria:

A coach can only receive this grant once in the Skating year.

Subject to Availability:

B.111   Travel Assistance – Coach Training Grant   

In a situation when a coach must go out of Province to receive certification in a discipline we are unable to provide in Manitoba, Skate Canada Manitoba may provide a grant to a maximum of $250.00 to the coach under the following criteria:

Opportunities and ideas not listed above should be brought to SCMB for potential support.  Funding Proposals should be submitted to the Coaching Committee for review.  Contact the Section Coaches Rep with your proposal.

Sport Manitoba Grants