Current Approved Assessment Days:

Date: Club/School Test Chair Approved
3/14/2025 Morden Asten McGill YES
3/15/2025 Carberry Amy Baker YES
3/16/2025 Killarney SC Amy Groening YES
3/18/2025 Russel SC Donna Christie YES
3/27/2025 East St. Paul Jacqui Rademaker YES
4/4/2025 Virden Haleigh Haywood YES
4/16/2025 Skate Thompson Angela Bakos YES
4/30/2025 Stony Mountain Tracy Butcher YES
5/2/2025 Virden Haleigh Haywood YES

Assessment Chair Information

Make sure to watch the eLearning webinar STAR 1-5 Test Chair Seminar with Heather McMahon.  

Assessment Day Requests:

All requests for an Assessment day(s) must be sent to Karren Antymniuk the Assessment Day Coordinator for review and approval.  Requests must be submitted no later than at a minimum 1 month prior to the start of registration.  When submitting your request please include the following information:


    • Host Club and Location

    • Date of event

    • Type of event (monitoring/feedback, assessment day, workshop, seminar, etc…)

    • Length of event, hours of ice booked

    • Number of participants expected to be involved

    • if Assessment day approximate number and level of assessments

Please note that submission of requests does not guarantee approval of the event as all assessment days are subject to evaluator availability.

If you have any inquiries please contact the Section Assessment Day Coordinator Karren Antymniuk